Chapter 2 Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property law is one of the main policy instruments used to guide the impact and direction of innovation efforts. Formally, its goal is to encourage innovation and creation of intellectual goods by facilitating the innovators’ appropriation of the derived benefits. Following the rise in the rate of innovation that marked the 21st century, further enhanced by the digital revolution, IPRs have been increasingly contested by different stakeholders. IPRs incentivize or deter specific innovative behaviors, playing a fundamental normative function in determining the rate and trajectory of innovation efforts.

First, I will present the foundations of IPRs, starting from the philosophical and economic justification for creating a property right in intangibles. Second, I will present some of the IPRs involved in Artificial Intelligence, focusing on the economics of patents and presenting the legal framework surrounding copyright and the database sui-generis right. Finally, I will examine whether the claims regarding the potential introduction of new IPRs to AI technologies are justified from an economic perspective.

2.1 Foundations of Intellectual Property

Spence (2007) defined intellectual property rights as a “right that can be treated as property to control particular uses of a specified type of intangible asset”, suggesting IPRs protection covers only specific kinds and uses of intangible assets. In other words, the property right does not directly involve the intangible asset but rather the right to exclude others to make specific uses of it.

2.1.1 Justifications for the existence of intellectual property rights

A complete review of the philosophical and economic justifications of existence of IPRs would go well beyond the scope of this dissertation, thus I will focus on the three most common explanations: the natural rights argument, the desert argument, and the utilitarian argument, which has traditionally been the most influential in constructing a legal framework for IP.13 The natural rights argument

The natural rights argument, first expressed by John Locke in the Second Treatise of Government (1689), is based on the assumption that people are naturally entitled to the fruits of their labor, including the fruits of their intelligence. He affirmed that: "The labour of his body and the work of his hands, we may say, are strictly his. So when he takes something from the state that nature has provided and left it in, he mixes his labour with it, thus joining to it something that is his own; and in that way he makes it his property" (Locke 1689). However, this approach to IPRs cannot be considered valid on at least two different basis. First, it justifies control over the elements of an intangible asset for which a creator is responsible. However, intangible assets are very problematic because it is impossible to determine which assets the creator is genuinely accountable for. Nozick (1974) presented a counterargument by comparing newly produced knowledge to tomato sauce spilled in the ocean. If somebody owns the tomato sauce (the intellectual labor) and drops it into the sea (the entire global knowledge), is it right for him to claim the ocean as a whole as his? Locke (1689) himself provided the second objection to the natural right argument. He assumed that this appropriation system could be applied only when appropriation does not leave anybody else worse off, which is not always the case. Even when a creator can claim a specific asset’s origin, he is not necessarily entitled to control its use. Imposing a normative claim would preclude the user’s autonomy and, therefore, make him worse off, invalidating the appropriation process. The desert argument

Another commonly used justification of IPRs is that an intangible asset’s creator deserves to benefit from his labor. This is generally referred to as the desert argument. On the other hand, this argument does not consider that property rights are not the only way to reward a creator. As Hettinger (1989) points out, laborers may perform intellectual work only for the end of performing it, such as genuine interest in that field of knowledge, society’s progress, ethical reasons, and so on so forth. In those cases, other possible rewards are recognition, gratitude, or public financial support to continue pursuing their work. IPRs are only one of several possible means to provide incentives to intellectual laborers, and exclusive property rights may impose an unnecessary cost to society. The utilitarian argument

The utilitarian approach is the one that has historically prevailed, and most contemporary legal and economic arguments regarding IPRs are based on this paradigm. Unlike other arguments, the utilitarian approach in the past was supported by policy objectives and allegations such as "industrial progress is desirable, inventions is a necessary condition of industrial progress, not enough inventions will be made or used unless effective incentives are provided" (Machlup and Penrose 1950). It is based on the economic theory of public goods (Samuelson 1954): rather than focus on the creator, its primary concern is the community as a whole, and it aims to improve the allocation of resources to maximize the benefits of society through the analysis of economic welfare.

Greenhalgh and Rogers (2010) affirmed that "if a firm cannot charge all the beneficiaries of its innovation, then there is a problem of matching incentives to the value of the activity, which may lead to an undersupply of innovation." In economics, this is commonly referred to as market failure. In the case of the allocation of benefits related to the production of knowledge, market failure may occur when knowledge is either described as a pure public good or as a private good with positive externalities.

2.1.2 The economics of intellectual property Knowledge as a public good

According to Arrow (1962) and Stiglitz (1999), free of any artificial construct, knowledge is both non-rivalrous and non-excludable, thus making it a public good. Public goods are those "which all enjoy in common in the sense that each individual’s consumption of such a good leads to no subtractions from any other individual’s consumption of that good" (Samuelson 1954).

A non-rival good in consumption means that the consumption of the good \(x\) by an individual \(A\) does not preclude the consumption of the same good of another individual \(B\), thus making the marginal cost of consumption equals to zero. Common examples of public goods are sunlight, radio transmission, public roads, and national defense. Public goods are often defined in contrast to private goods, which are those goods \(y\) whose consumption from an individual \(A\) precludes the usage of another individual \(B\), such as food, energy, or drinkable water. For example, an apple is a private good because if person \(A\) eats it, it prevents the usage of person \(B\). Conversely, sunlight is non-rivalrous because both \(A\) and \(B\) can enjoy it without precluding the other from consuming it. When treated as a public good, knowledge has often been assimilated with information (Archibugi and Filippetti 2015). When somebody consumes information, it does not reduce the quantity available to other individuals, making it non-rivalrous. While knowledge may be costly to produce, the marginal cost of sharing information with an additional individual is zero (Lévêque and Ménière 2004). For example, there is a zero cost of providing the notion of a mathematical theorem to an additional individual. However, as pointed out by Greenhalgh and Rogers (2010), while the use of knowledge from one actor does not prevent other actors from using it, its diffusion may exhaust the profits that can be obtained from it14. While information in itself is non-rival, the value associated with it can be rivalrous.

The other fundamental characteristic of public goods is that they are non-excludable, which means it is challenging (if not impossible) to exclude a potential consumer from using them. Recalling the previous examples, while it is relatively straightforward for \(A\) to prevent \(B\) from eating his apple, it is almost impossible for \(A\) to prevent \(B\) from enjoying the sunlight.

Several methods were used to prevent access to knowledge in the past: Archibugi and Filippetti (2015) list three of them: secrecy, access codes, and IPRs. The first method, secrecy, is widely diffused both in the military and business sectors. It relies on the underlying assumption that the best way to ensure the appropriability of the economic returns of knowledge is to prevent its diffusion. However, secrecy provides only partial protection. Practices such as headhunting, espionage, and reverse engineering can circumvent business and governmental agencies’ security measures and undermine their efforts. Moreover, since secrecy guarantees appropriability by impeding information diffusion, it has the downside of hindering the possibility for third parties to engage in cumulative innovation and encourage the duplication of R&D expense, reducing the overall economic welfare. Access codes are instead technological tools that prevent the unwanted diffusion of knowledge. While they increase the difficulty of access, they do not provide total protection. A single breach in the defense systems of businesses and governmental agencies, coupled with the non-rival nature of knowledge, may idle their protective measures. Finally, IPRs are a family of legal instruments that, with specific limitations, allow their owner to exclude other individuals from enjoying the benefits of the knowledge they safeguard.

When a good is both rival and excludable, it is generally considered a private good. In opposition, when it is both non-rival and non-excludable, it is usually considered a public good. However, there are also other dimensions, such as when products are non-rivalrous but excludable or when they are rivalrous but non-excludable. The former are generally referred to as club (or network) goods while the latter are referred to as common goods (Archibugi and Filippetti 2015). A typical example of a club good is on-line streaming services. While the consumption by one individual of streaming services such as Netflix or Disney+ does not prevent other individuals from enjoying them, they are potentially excludable by imposing a paywall that restricts access to those paying a monthly subscription. On the other hand, examples of common goods are ocean fisheries and forestry. While the consumption of fish in the ocean or wood in forests is rivalrous because excessive fishing or deforestation can deplete resources, it is challenging to restrict access.

Different types of goods
Rivalrous Non-rivalrous
Excludable Private goods Club goods
Non-excludable Common goods Public goods Knowledge as a private good with positive externalities

Opposed to Arrow (1962) and Stiglitz (1999), modern economics of science and innovation considers in his analysis the highly differentiated forms of knowledge. This perspective rejects the comparison between information and knowledge (Pavitt 1987) because, depending on the specific traits of the knowledge transferred, the consumer may experience high transaction costs, undermining the assumption that all knowledge can be considered a public good. Callon (1994) distinguishes between freely available knowledge and knowledge that can be used without incurring costs underlined that, except for few specific cases (such as consuming a drug or using a computer program with an already known interface), the acquisition of knowledge requires additional efforts from the consumer (such as learning time or other resources). Later, Stiglitz (1999) dismissed this aspect, affirming that Arrow (1962)’s definition of public goods does not consider the consumer perspective but only the producer’s. However, if we include in the definition of public goods also the transaction costs bore by the consumers, knowledge may be considered either a public or a private good based on the specific kind of knowledge we examine. As formulated by Archibugi and Filippetti (2015), "what makes knowledge different from public goods is not the related production process, rather its process of diffusion, which has been scarcely addressed in standard economic theory."

The heterogeneous dimension of knowledge may influence the positioning of knowledge as a private or public good (Nelson 1959). While basic research can be assimilated to a public good because it is possible to apply it in many different areas, knowledge regarding innovation in a product or a process directly applicable in the market can be assimilated to a private good with positive externalities (Greenhalgh and Rogers 2010). Positive externalities arise when a producer’s behaviors enhance other firms’ profits, leading to a misallocation of benefits.

The traditional economic argument in favor of IPRs is that, without a mechanism of appropriation for intellectual work, sometimes creators will not have any incentive to innovate and produce knowledge, potentially leading to its sub-optimal provision. Coase (1960) suggested that this could be solved by introducing clear and defined property rights. Positive externalities could be compensated by requiring a fee from the beneficiaries, and negative externalities could be offset by charging a tax to the responsible. In the absence of appropriate incentives for innovation, then IPRs represents a way to ensure the appropriability of the benefits raised by the innovation process.

2.1.3 The traditional economic model for IPRs introduction

Imagine a perfectly competitive market composed of a large number of firms that produce a standardized product. The price \(P_{0}\) is equal to the marginal cost of production (\(P_{0} = MC_{0}\)). In perfect competition, economic welfare is entirely comprised of consumer surplus, while producer surplus is equal to zero. When a process innovation is introduced, it reduces the marginal cost of production from \(MC_{0}\) to \(MC_{1}\). If we consider knowledge as a non-excludable good, and the innovation can immediately be applied to the production process by all firms in the market, the increase in economic welfare involves only consumer surplus. In contrast, producer surplus remains equal to zero.

This may lead to the conclusion that, in the absence of an appropriability mechanism, producers have no economic incentive for innovation. The introduction of temporary monopolistic rights over the produced knowledge (such as IPRs), when assigned to innovators, aims to provide this economic incentive.

If we add IPRs to the model, its owner is the only individual that can benefit from the cost reduction created by innovation, either through direct application in the production process or by licensing it to other firms. Therefore, during the protected period, the price will remain \(P_{0}\), while the marginal cost of production for the innovator will decrease from \(MC_{0}\) to \(MC_{1}\). The consumer surplus will remain stable, and the innovating firm will enjoy a profit equal to \((P_{0}-P_{1})Q_{0}\). However, the market will also experience a deadweight loss equal to

\[DW = \frac{(P_0 - P_1)(Q_1 - Q_0)}{2}\]

where \(Q_1\) is the quantity of the good that would have been produced without IPRs. While the economic welfare is higher than in the scenario without the process innovation, it is still lower than without IPRs, meaning that it is not Pareto efficient. However, after protection expires, the producer surplus is zeroed, and consumer surplus is maximized, leading to Pareto efficiency.

Before the innovation

After the innovation

Economic welfare after the introduction of IPRs

Assuming that, in the absence of IPRs, no innovation would have taken place, while no protection mechanism provides static efficiency, IPRs encourage the system’s dynamic efficiency. The economics of IPRs aims to balance the dynamic efficiency of continuous innovation and the static efficiency given by the absence of IPRs.

2.1.4 IPRs in an oligopolistic market

The trade-off between static and dynamic efficiency is sometimes solved using competition economics. However, given that dynamic efficiency is impossible to measure with a satisfactory degree of precision (Drexl 2010), many economists of the neo-Schumpeterian school favor caution in applying competition law to IPRs’ design, referring to Schumpeter’s argument of creative destruction. According to Schumpeter, capitalism is an evolutionary process that is driven by "new consumers’ goods, the new methods of production or transportation, the new markets, the new forms of industrial organization that capitalist enterprise creates" (Schumpeter 1942).

Schumpeter (1942) affirms that it would be a mistake to evaluate oligopolistic structures without considering the evolutionary dimensions of the capitalist process. In particular, he identified innovation as a constant source of competition, explaining how even established oligopolies can be disrupted and countered by new forms of organization and technological revolutions. Additionally, Schumpeter (1942) examined the relations between IPRs and competition, affirming that competition policy should consider the positive effects of temporary monopolies to drive innovation and the creative destruction process activated by new technologies. He does not deny that, in some cases, competition policies are necessary to dismantle cartels that are effectively damaging the system but that drafting precise and effective policies is very difficult and should be done only on a case-by-case basis.

Economists advocating for neo-Schumpeterian approaches base their claims on the argument that monopoly power is necessary to enhance innovation and dynamic efficiency because monopolies’ profit is needed for investments in future innovation (Drexl 2010). So, even when IP confers monopoly power, the latter should be protected against state intervention because doing otherwise would reduce the innovation system’s effectiveness. Competition policy should not collide with the allocation of IP rights because the long term effects of these interventions are challenging to quantify, and on a theoretical basis, it is never recommended to interfere with the distribution of the benefits of IPRs. "When considering whether forcing the disclosure of companies’ trade secrets or compelling them to license valuable IP, policymakers must therefore balance the gains from stimulating short-term competition with the losses from the reduced investment in innovation. They should keep in mind, however, that while the allocative efficiencies that arise in the short term as a result of intervention are relatively easy to measure, the long-term costs of such actions are uncertain and difficult to quantify." (Geradin et al. 2006) A counterargument to the neo-Schumpeterian approach was already pointed out by Arrow (1962), which framed the applicability of Schumpeter (1934)’s line of reasoning in terms of incentives to innovate. In an oligopolistic market, a firm is already making a profit, and innovation only offers a higher revenue. However, when compared to a second firm contemplating market entry, the incumbent’s marginal gain15 is lower than the one of the potential entrant. This argument leads to the conclusion that an oligopolistic system, in the absence of new entrants, is less conductive to innovation. However, as pointed out by Lévêque and Ménière (2004), "this reasoning ignores competition between companies to conquer markets. The incentives are different if the monopoly knows that a competitor can enter its market by inventing and patenting a less expensive process or a similar new product." When firms compete for conquering a market, a race towards innovation is very likely to happen. Competition in the market is then replaced by competition for the market (Geradin et al. 2006). If the incumbent fails, it will lose the profit provided by the monopoly and the R&D investments, while if the entrant misses the window, it will only suffer the loss of the development costs. In this case, the monopolist has a higher incentive to innovate, even if it will never introduce into the market the innovative product.

Summing up, competition law is a useful instrument to leave access to a market open by forcing oligopolies and new entrants to compete with each other and, coupled with compulsory licenses, promotes the diffusion of knowledge in the market. Simultaneously, even if IPRs create static inefficiencies due to their monopolistic nature, in many cases they maintain the incentives for the production of innovation high, promoting dynamic efficiency, and discouraging the sub-optimal provision of innovation. However, such cases are not as frequent as one may think and that must be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis. As it was already mentioned, other incentives, economic or not, may already be in place. IPRs can alter these fragile dynamics, potentially hindering innovation, as it is claimed by Brüggemann et al. (2015) in the case of sequential innovation.

2.3 AI and Intellectual Property Rights

2.3.1 Limits of IPRs legislation

Unfortunately, the review of the main economic arguments on the best structure for IP systems remains on a theoretical basis. Since its first developments in the XIV century, the legal framework that surrounds patents, and, in general, IPRs, has demonstrated a lack of flexibility that is in striking contrast with what it aims to protect, that is, technological innovation and creation. While economists such as Nordhaus (1969a) call for an increase in differentiation in the nature and degree of IP protection, based on industry and market needs, the fundamental economics of existing laws remain fixed on old assumptions and paradigms. This is because legal institutions evolve incrementally and are focused on preserving the integrity and consistency of rules, even when there is a dire need of radical transformations to remain faithful to the rationale and motivations that gave them birth in the first place (David 1993). When patents first appeared in the XIV century, they were designed to attract foreign inventions to boost development. They incentivized innovation in the sense that they promoted the dissemination of precious information in a national economy, encouraging its growth in the long run, but they were conceived as a preindustrial system of protection that served preindustrial or industrial needs. The development of a knowledge-based economy sharpened the possibility of information to act both as a capital and a consumer good, and has made evident that the patent system needs a revision, since the incentives to innovate have changed (as the success of models such as patentleft and copyleft demonstrated).

The fixed character of IP law has increased the level of uncertainty regarding the adaptation of IP law to new technologies (David 1993). While patents were designed to promote innovation, new technologies and economic structures have changed their role in the economy. Invention is often a cumulative process and the enforcement of patent rights can interfere with further discovery. Patent races and inventing-around strategies may deflect resources and incentivize rent-seeking behavior, while at the same time discouraging complementary inventions because previous patentees may be able to extract revenues in downstream innovation (David 1993). The current legal framework is far from being efficient and, in the meantime, new technologies keep on posing new challenges and requiring emergency adjustments to the new circumstances. In particular, AI technologies are posing critical challenges to the IP legal framework, while at the same time IPRs influence the structure and rate of innovation, introducing distortions in the market through the introduction of incentives or disincentives to innovators.

Recently legal scholars have started a lively debate on how to face the challenges presented by AI to the current legal system. However, as it was previously mentioned, the legal perspective is intrinsically limited. Recalling the utilitarian justification, IPRs should be introduced only when they contribute to the promotion of innovation. Thus, I argue that the introduction or modification of IPRs regimes needs to prioritize the economic effects of introducing new norms rather than continuity with previous legislation. As mentioned in section, policymakers should maximize the net social welfare when shaping the rule of property rights. This requires to strike a balance between incentives that stimulate innovation and the tendency of IPRs to create monopoly rights and dysfunctional effects.

In particular, the general statements concerning utilitarian perspective on IPRs need to be reassessed with the concrete case examined, in our case the AI market. Unfortunately, since creative and innovation markets related to AI function under unequal conditions, this is not an easy task, and, even if IPRs are required to stimulate investments in R&D, current regimes need to be re-calibrated to take into account both market and non-market considerations, favoring an increase in the differentiation of the scope and length of IPRs. For example, a key factor is the elasticity of product demand, as it was suggested in section in relation to optimal patent design (Nordhaus 1969a). IPRs are not justified a priori: if in the market there are already sufficient incentives to promote R&D efforts, the introduction of monopolies on technology would only reduce society’s welfare, either through monopolies or by adding the administrative costs of the IP system. Hilty, Hoffmann, and Scheuerer (2020) explored various economic paradigms to justify the application of new IPRs to AI technologies: the general incentive theory, the investment protection theory, and the prospect theory.

2.3.2 General incentive theory

General incentive theory is the original argument of IPRs, that we examined in section 1.1.3. It suggests intellectual outputs would not be produced without the incentive provided by property rights. However, it would be short-sighted to affirm that economic rewards are exclusively tied to mechanisms of appropriation such as IPRs. In particular, as it was mentioned in section 1.1.4, maintaining a stable market position and/or accessing successful market opportunities may be determinant for a firm to invest in R&D. When we apply this theory to the AI market, there is no evidence of lack of motivation to invest in innovation, rather the opposite: AI-related innovation is thriving. While an under-provision in innovation in the AI field is still theoretically possible, this may likely be caused by other bottlenecks in the system, such as the scarcity of AI experts (McGowan and Corrado 2019) and data fragmentation (Martens 2018), issues that cannot be solved by using IPRs.

When we transpose this approach to the by-products of AI, legal scholars often claim that without gaining rights to the outputs of AI, developers have no sufficient incentives to create such AI systems in the first place (Abbott 2017). However, this does not take into account that there are different ways through which developers may limit the use of these systems, such as product-as-a-service (PaaS), in which the use of the AI system residing in cloud platforms can be controlled by limiting the number of API calls, the duration of the task and the amount of the processing power used. Another commonly used business model is typical of the platform economy, where developers may provide the opportunity to access to higher-quality, personalized AI systems in exchange for a periodic fee20. AI system developers can potentially never fully disclose the AI model to the end-user, thus making their work profitable without the need to claim ownership on AI by-products.

We can also observe that the AI market has also adopted a self-regulation model, where actors voluntary share their intangible assets (Gonzalez, Zimmermann, and Nagappan 2020) under various kind of licenses. This approach is typical of software industry, where many important demanders actively contributed and distributed open source projects as a source of complementary innovation (Wang, Chen, and Koo 2020), while individual programmers often collaborated for prestige or good-will, leading to a process where innovation feeds itself. To a lesser extent, we are assisting to a similar process in the context of the data market, with pleas of the liberation of data gathered by public administrations in standard, freely accessible formats (under the open data paradigm) that may lead to increases in innovation rate and economic competitiveness for private companies (Alderete 2020).

2.3.3 Investment protection theory

Investment protection theory focuses on the need to protect the investments made by the innovators by minimizing free-rider behavior (Hilty, Hoffmann, and Scheuerer 2020). It was modeled by Nordhaus (1969b), who applied this framework to technologies whose innovation processes are long and require high investments in markets with slow innovation cycles and high probability of imitation and misappropriation. This paradigm is extremely targeted to market scenarios where incentives to innovate are low, suggesting the introduction of IPRs as a way to increase them.

Although AI technologies require a certain degree of investments (such as high-quality data and computing power), it varies greatly depending on the specific application sector and scale of the industry. However, in most cases, AI innovation works through incremental progress which generally does not require high investment (Hilty, Hoffmann, and Scheuerer 2020). Even if imitation is possible, other systems of protection may already be in place, such as the database directive. Moreover, Teece (1986) affirmed that, in certain cases, investments may already be protected even when IPRs are not granted at all. Specifically, he suggested that, in some cases, such as when new products are difficult to copy, there is no need for state-provisioned protection. He made the case of cospecialized assets, whose value is tied by a bilateral relation between two goods: possessing one without the other is of no use. He affirmed that in the context of innovations whose value depend on cospecialized assets that can easily be kept secret, IPRs are of no use, since a mechanism of appropriability is already in place, thus making the introduction of IPRs detrimental to economic welfare. A typical example of cospecialized assets in AI technologies is characterized by algorithms and weights. While algorithms are often published in scientific papers, weights21 are generally kept secret (Hilty, Hoffmann, and Scheuerer 2020). An AI system without correlating weights would be valueless for potential free riders. Moreover, imitation through reverse engineering is possible only to a certain extent because of the black box effect of ML and, even when it is possible, it is often more costly than building an original AI system. This further reduces the incentive for imitation in favor of autonomous creation. As a consequence, it seems that the investments undertaken for developing AI systems are already sufficiently protected and that the introduction of IPRs on the basis of investment protection theory is not motivated by any economic justification.

Someone may suggest that this is only applicable to AI systems and not to the by-products of AI. However, the extent to which it may be reasonable to introduce additional IPRs to AI-aided products largely depends on the rate of innovation of the specific industry, which determines the rate of substitution of new products. The utility of AI outputs is strictly correlated to the time it takes for them to become obsolete. In other words, when AI-based innovation and creation surpass a certain threshold, the utility of each AI output reduces, as effect of incremental innovation, a situation where investment could not be recouped even with the introduction of IPRs22. A higher rate of innovation reduces the temporal difference between dynamic efficiency and static efficiency, making IPRs detrimental to economic welfare. The rate of innovation depends on the specific economic sector of the AI output, that cannot be determined before and can only be evaluated on a case-by-case basis (Hilty, Hoffmann, and Scheuerer 2020). So, while IP protection for AI outputs may potentially be justified under the investment protection theory, affirming that a completely new IP regime is needed for AI by-products is merely speculative and it may be counterproductive, since it would increase the legal costs associated with innovation. Considering that current legislation already provides the possibility to protect AI-aided outputs by mentioning a human as inventor or author23, there is no need to create new IPRs.

2.3.4 Prospect Theory

In section, I already presented the basis of prospect theory when referring to Kitch (1977)’s proposition for determining optimal patent breath (Kitch 1977). He suggested granting to the inventor short and broad patents to improve R&D coordination and reduce over-investment in innovation. In the context of AI technologies, over-investment may seem relevant, but it would also interfere with the ability of other innovation to conduct parallel R&D efforts, thus unnecessarily blocking the way of other innovators. This may subsequently lead to “races to create or invent, which may lead to wasteful duplication of research effort. Furthermore, instead of enabling the original inventor to coordinate efficiently the exploitation of the technology, a quasi-monopoly may lead to satisfying behaviour and thus to an inefficiently narrow focus on improvements related to the primary AI creator’s or inventor’s principal line of business” (Hilty, Hoffmann, and Scheuerer 2020). The introduction of IPRs may reduce the incentive to proceed with cumulative innovations and favor rent-seeking behavior. As we will see in chapter three, this is particularly relevant, since AI technologies are a General Purpose Technology, and enhancing the scope of protection on the basis of Kitch (1977)’s prospect theory is very likely to slow down or exacerbate virtuous cycle of complementary innovation, reducing economic welfare.

2.4 Conclusions

This chapter presented Intellectual Property Rights, a legal institution that has the declared goal to incentivize innovative behavior. First, the philosophical foundations for the creation of property rights on intellectual creations were presented, distinguishing between the natural rights arguments, the desert argument, and the utilitarian argument, and accepting the latter as the most reasonable one, since it is agnostic to the introduction of IPRs. The utilitarian argument accepts IPRs only to the extent to which they present benefit to society and it is based on economic analysis. Second, I analyzed three IPRs strictly involved with AI technologies: patents, copyright and database sui-generis right. The section was mainly focused on the economics of patents, the first IPR introduced in the economy, on which other IPRs, such as copyright, were modeled. Third, I applied the economic analysis of IPRs to AI technologies. In contrast to the legal literature on the relations between IPRs and AI, I observed that new IPRs would only be detrimental to economic welfare and innovation. I determined that the dynamic character of the AI market and the presence of alternative systems of appropriation already provide sufficient incentives to embark in innovative behavior. The introduction of additional IPRs specific of AI technologies would only represent a burden to the innovative process, potentially hindering innovation.


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  1. For a detailed study on this topic, see Spence (2007) and Menell (1999).↩︎

  2. Imagine a method for anticipating the behavior of financial markets↩︎

  3. the monopoly profit after the invention minus the monopoly profit before it↩︎

  4. In the United States it is generally referred to as non-obviousness↩︎

  5. In jurisprudence, there are two mainstream approaches: the doctrine of equivalents and the doctrine of literal interpretation. The doctrine of equivalents, extends protection to any product which “does the same work in substantially the same way to accomplish substantially the same result” (Wawrzyniak 1990), while the doctrine of literal interpretation restricts the protection only to what is explicitly claimed in the patent document (Meurer and Nard 2004; Lee 2010). Both these approaches might be problematic, especially in rapidly emerging fields of technology, where in addition to real findings, the inventor may have intuitions regarding further applications of his invention.↩︎

  6. Such as innovations that improve the quality of a preexisting product or process or the discovery of new applications of an already existing technology↩︎

  7. They are considered mathematical processes and fall in the public domain↩︎

  8. Through the use of a technique called transfer learning↩︎

  9. Trainable parameters that are optimized during the learning process.↩︎

  10. Which would only increase the deadweight loss and reduce economic welfare.↩︎

  11. Here it is important to underline that AI-produced inventions do not exist, as it will be discussed in chapter chap:innovation.↩︎